
About Us

Our Story

Welcome to the heart of Pratap's Amazing Musicians, where every string vibrates with passion, and every note echoes the depth of tradition. Born from an initiative of Shailaja Nair Foundation supported by FEI Group of Companies, our journey began with a simple yet profound question:

How do we bring the stories of instrumentalists, the true architects of melody, into the limelight?

This question sparked the creation of a platform dedicated to celebrating the unsung heroes of the music world. Here, we share our mission to elevate the recognition of instrumentalists and enrich the global music tapestry with their art.

Our Vision

Our vision is to create a world where music transcends boundaries, and the artists behind the instruments receive the acclaim they deserve. We believe in a future where every instrumentalist's contribution is celebrated, their legacy preserved, and their art shared with audiences around the globe. Through Pratap's Amazing Musicians, we aim to foster a deeper appreciation for the craftsmanship behind music, ensuring instrumentalists receive the same adoration as vocalists.

Our Mission

To discover, celebrate, and elevate the instrumentalists who have shaped the soul of music with their talent and dedication. Our mission extends beyond recognition, it is about creating a movement that acknowledges the artistry and emotion instrumentalists bring to every performance. By organizing monthly music festivals and leveraging digital platforms, we offer these talented individuals a stage to share their stories and connect with fans worldwide.

Collaboration and Support

Our initiative thrives on collaboration and support from the Shailaja Nair Foundation and FEI Group of Companies, entities that share our passion for music and community. Together, we embark on this ambitious journey, united by a common goal to honor the mastery of instrumental music. This partnership enables us to bring Pratap's Amazing Musicians to life, providing a beacon of hope and inspiration for artists and music lovers alike.

Join Our Journey

As Pratap's Amazing Musicians continues to grow, we invite you to join us on this exciting journey. Whether you're an instrumentalist looking to showcase your talent, a music lover eager to explore new sounds, or a supporter passionate about preserving musical heritage, there's a place for you in our community. Together, let's celebrate the magic of music and the artists who bring it to life.